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The plugin SayanVanish is hooking into AdvancedServerList to provide placeholders of its own to be used in conditions and text options.



Placeholder Description
${sayanvanish vanished} Returns true or false based on if the player is vanished.
${sayanvanish level} Returns the vanish level of the player.
${sayanvanish count} Returns the number of online players that are vanished.
${sayanvanish online_here} Returns the number of online players on the same server that aren't vanished.
${sayanvanish online_total} Returns the number of online players on the entire network that aren't vanished.1
${sayanvanish online_<server>} Returns the number of online players on <server> that aren't vanished.1
${sayanvanish vanish_prefix} Returns the prefix for the player while they are vanished or an empty String.
${sayanvanish vanish_suffix} Returns the suffix for the player while they are vanished or an empty String.

1 Only works when Proxy mode is enabled and will otherwise return PROXY_MODE IS NOT ENABLED!


Placeholder Description
${sayanvanish vanished} Returns true or false based on if the player is vanished.
${sayanvanish level} Returns the vanish level of the player.
${sayanvanish count} Returns the number of online players that are vanished.
${sayanvanish online_total} Returns the number of online players on the entire network that aren't vanished.
${sayanvanish online_<server>} Returns the number of online players on <server> that aren't vanished.
${sayanvanish vanish_prefix} Returns the prefix for the player while they are vanished or an empty String.
${sayanvanish vanish_suffix} Returns the suffix for the player while they are vanished or an empty String.