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AdvancedServerList provides a set of pre-made placeholders using the ${<identifier> <placeholder>} format adobted from BungeeTabListPlus.
It also has built-in PlaceholderAPI support for Spigot and Paper Servers and since v2 can even allow you to add your own placeholders by using its API.

Built-in Placeholders

The following placeholders are available in AdvancedServerList itself. Please note that not all placeholders are available on all platforms.

Player Placeholders

These placeholders use the player who pinged the server, to return values. They may require the player to be cached in order to work.

Placeholder Description Platforms Cached Player required?1
${player name} The name of the player. All Yes2
${player protocol} The protocol version of the player. All No
${player uuid} The UUID of the player. All Yes3
${player version} The protocol version of the player as readable MC version. Velocity No
${player hasPlayedBefore} Boolean for whether the player has played on the server before. Paper Yes
${player isBanned} Boolean for whether the player has been banned from the server. Paper Yes
${player isWhitelisted} Boolean for whether the player is whitelisted on the server. Paper Yes


These placeholders use values given by the server/proxy AdvancedServerList runs on.

Placeholder Description Platforms
${server playersOnline} The number of players online on this proxy/server.4 All
${server playersMax} The total number of players that can join this server.5 All
${server host} The domain/IP the player pinged.6 All
${server whitelistEnabled} Whether the whitelist is enabled or not. Paper


Please visit the PlaceholderAPI page for how AdvancedServerList works with PlaceholderAPI.

Custom Placeholders

Since version 2 of AdvancedServerList are developers able to provide their own placeholders to be used in a server list profile.
The format follows the same one as the built-in placeholders, meaning it is ${<identifier> <placeholder>}.

If you're a developer and want to integrate your own placeholders into AdvancedServerList, read about it here.

  1. Whether this placeholder requires the player to have joined before while AdvancedServerList was running.
    When disableCache is enabled will these placeholders not work. 

  2. Will default to whatever name has been provided in the unknownPlayer -> name option of the config.yml, when the player isn't cached yet. 

  3. Will default to whatever name has been provided in the unknownPlayer -> uuid option of the config.yml, when the player isn't cached yet. 

  4. A comma-separated list of world (On Paper) or Server (On BungeeCord/Velocity) names can be provided to display the added numbers of players in these worlds/servers.
    Example: ${server playersOnline lobby1,lobby2} will display the collective numbers of players in the servers lobby1 and lobby2

  5. Using either the extraPlayers' amount or maxPlayers' amount option will make this placeholder return the modified max players count.
    Only exception to this rule is when the placeholder is used in the condition option in which case it returns the actual max player count of the proxy/server. 

  6. An optional server name can be provided to display the IP/Domain associated with that server. This only works on BungeeCord or Velocity.
    Example: ${server host survival} would display the IP/Domain associated with the survival server.