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BanPlugins Addon

The BanPlugins Addon was made to provide placeholders for different punishment plugins to use in AdvancedServerList.


Plugin Page

Supported Platforms:

  • Paper
  • BungeeCord
Placeholder Description
${advancedban isMuted} Whether the player is muted or not.
${advancedban muteReason} The reason for why the player was muted. Returns invalid placeholder if no mute was set.
${advancedban muteDuration} Relative time until the mute expires. Returns invalid placeholder if no mute was set.
${advancedban muteExpiration} Date on when the mute will expire-
${advancedban isBanned} Whether the player is banned or not.
${advancedban banReason} The reason for why the player was banned. Returns invalid placeholder if no ban was set.
${advancedban banDuration} Relative time until the ban expires. Returns invalid placeholder if no ban was set.
${advancedban banExpiration} Date on when the ban will expire.


  • ${advancedban muteDuration} and ${advancedban banDuration} accept an optional boolean to set, whether the mute/ban duration should be from the start.
    Default is false.
  • ${advancedban muteExpiration} and ${advancedban banExpiration} accept an optional Date and Time pattern to format the time into.
    Default is dd, MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss.
priority: 1
condition: '${advancedban isBanned}'

  - '<red>You were <bold>BANNED</bold>!'
  - '<red>Expires: <grey>${advancedban banExpiration}'

Plugin Page

Supported Platforms:

  • Paper
  • BungeeCord
  • Velocity
Placeholder Description
${libertybans isMuted} Whether the player is muted or not.
${libertybans muteReason} The reason for why the player was muted. Returns invalid placeholder if no mute was set.
${libertybans muteExpiration} Date on when the mute will expire.
${libertybans isBanned} Whether the player is banned or not.
${libertybans banReason} The reason for why the player was banned. Returns invalid placeholder if no ban was set.
${libertybans banExpiration} Date on when the ban will expire.


  • ${libertybans muteExpiration} and ${libertybans banExpiration} accept an optional Date and Time pattern to format the time into.
    Default is dd, MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss.
priority: 1
condition: '${libertybans isBanned}'

  - '<red>You were <bold>BANNED</bold>!'
  - '<red>Expires: <grey>${libertybans banExpiration}'

Plugin Page

Supported Platforms:

  • Paper
  • BungeeCord
  • Velocity
Placeholder Description
${litebans isMuted} Whether the player is muted or not.
${litebans muteReason} The reason for why the player was muted. Returns invalid placeholder if no mute was set.
${litebans muteDuration} Relative time until the mute expires. Returns invalid placeholder if no mute was set.
${litebans muteExpiration} Date on when the mute will expire-
${litebans isBanned} Whether the player is banned or not.
${litebans banReason} The reason for why the player was banned. Returns invalid placeholder if no ban was set.
${litebans banDuration} Relative time until the ban expires. Returns invalid placeholder if no ban was set.
${litebans banExpiration} Date on when the ban will expire.


  • ${litebans muteExpiration} and ${litebans banExpiration} accept an optional Date and Time pattern to format the time into.
    Default is dd, MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss.
priority: 1
condition: '${litebans isBanned}'

  - '<red>You were <bold>BANNED</bold>!'
  - '<red>Expires: <grey>${litebans banExpiration}'